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Weather and Forecast in Costa Rica
Weather and Geography
Geographical Location: Lattitude: 10°00'00" North of the equator
Long: 84°15'11" West of the Prime Meridian.
Borders / Boundaries:
Northwest: Nicaragua (309 km or 192 mi of border)
Southeast: Panamá (639 km or 397 mi of border)
West: Pacific Ocean - Pacific coast is 1, 016 km (631 miles)
East: Caribbean Sea - Caribbean coast is 212 km (132 mi)

Land Area: In total, Costa Rica comprises 51, 100 square kilometres (19, 700 square miles) plus 589 square kilometres (227 sq mi) of territorial waters.
Maximum Length: (Río Sapoa - Punta Burica): 288 miles

Maximum width: (Cabo Santa Elena - Boca del Río Colorado): 161 miles
Coastline: Total 1, 290 kilometres (800 mi) in Caribean and Pacific .
Rivers of Costa Rica
Costa Rica Weather 2025
Severe Weather Forecasting Programme is Initiated in Central America World Meteorological Organization WMO
Global Survey Highlights Costa Rica’s Vulnerability to Extreme Weather Events The Tico Times
Winter Outlook Travel Tips From A Meteorologist's Perspective The Weather Channel
The Beginner’s Guide to Adventure Travel in Costa Rica Outside