

History and Sociology
History and Sociology
Costa Rica have NO ARMY
Costa Rica has been an independent country for the whole twentieth century.

Guayabo National Monument - Archaeology
Indigenous Cultures
Sociological Links
Geological History
Conquest and Colonization
Provinces 7 provinces - 81 Cantons - 463 Districts
Other names of country

Origin of name:

Spanish for rich coast. Columbus thought there was gold to be found there.

Danish: Costa Rica
Dutch: Costa Rica, Republiek Costa Rica (formal)
English: Republic of Costa Rica (formal)
Finnish: Costa Rica
French: Costa Rica m
German: Costa Rica n
Icelandic: Kostaríka
Italian: Costa Rica f
Norwegian: Costa Rica, Republikken Costa Rica (formal)
Portuguese: Costa Rica, República f da Costa f Rica (formal)
Spanish: Costa Rica, República f de Costa f Rica (formal)
Swedish: Costa Rica
The History Channel - Costa Rica Special

Población indígena / Indigenous population : 1%
Reservas Indígenas: 320.886 Hectáreas (22 reservas)
Indian Reservations: 1, 240 square miles (22 reservations)
Etnias indígenas (reservas) / Tribes (reservations) :
Malekus (Guatusos), Chorotegas (Matambú), Huetares (Quitirrisí y Zapatón), Cabécares (Nairí-Awari, Chirripó, Alto de Chirripó, Tayni, Telire, Talamanca Cabécar y Ujarrás), Bribrís (Cocles, Talamanca Bribrí, Salitre y Cabagra), Teribes (Térraba), Borucas (Boruca y Curré) y Guaymies (Coto Brus, Abrojo Montezuma, Osa, Conte Burica).
Idiomas indígenas / Indigenous languages :
Maleku, Cabécar, Bribri, Guaymí y Brunca.

Costa Rica History 2025
Pura Pora Springs Make a Comeback as Costa Rica’s Fountain of Youth Travel And Tour World
Five Things to Know: USA vs. Costa Rica U.S. Soccer
The violent history of Costa Rica’s most popular souvenir The Telegraph
Public energy and the popular struggle for democracy in Costa Rica Transnational Institute