

Economy Economy Information / Economic Indicators
Imports and Exports in Costa Rica
Costa Rica, a small country with a huge vision -
Teaching Coffee Farmers About the Birds and the Bees - Special English Agriculture Report
Costa Rica is one of the most safest and attractive country for foreign investment in Latin America. The investment friendly policies and tradeds, makes Costa Rica "the Silicon Valley of Latin America" and the "Swiss of Central America". Commercial leaders and high-tech corporations such as Intel, HP, Acer, Microsoft, GE, Abbot Laboratories, Western Union, Merck Sharp and Dome, Roche, Cisco Systems, Continental Airways have services and big investments here. Since 1998, Costa Rica is earning more from high technology exports than from coffee or bananas or even the lucrative tourism industry.

The World Bank has given Costa Rica an excellent bill of overall political and economic health. "healthy economic growth rate" and "some of the best social indicators" on the continent. Costa Rica is one of the most vocal supporters of continental free trade, and already has its own agreement with Mexico and other countries of the region.
CINDE, the Costa Rica Investment and Development Board, has been officially commissioned by the government of Costa Rica to be the main promoter and advisor to foreign investors. CINDE is a private, non-profit organization that provides complete and updated information on the economy and the business environment in Costa Rica, and helps in the initial contact with potential investors. It has an office in New York to provide tailor-made services.
PROCOMER, the Foreign Trade Promotion Institute, can help exporters understand relevant legislation, acquire export permits, seize the advantages of market opportunities and chart their way through related fields of endeavor.
CADEXCO, the Costa Rican Exporters Chamber, provides information to entrepreneurs, private and public institutions on export procedures and requirements; trade barriers and how to overcome them; how to sell products abroad; information on export credit lines and export contracts, international prices, etc.
SUGEVAL Superintendencia General de Valores -
SUGEF Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras. Reguladores de Instituciones Finacieras. - Banks Regulator
International Organizations
BCIE Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica
CMCA Consejo Monetario Centroamericano. Coordina la política monetaria, cambiaria, crediticia y financiera de los países centroamericanos.
IADB / BID Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Banco Mundial
Costa Rica - Unemployment rate: 6.2% (2005)

Main traditional export products: Banana, Coffee, Meat, Sugar.

Recent export products: Electronic microcomponents, pineapple, medicines, ornamental plants, rubber packing, women's clothing, flowers, fish, tires, glass containers and polyester fibers.

More statistics from the Comex - Ministry of Trade

Costa Rica Economy 2025
Costa Rica Department of State
Costa Rica Economic Snapshot OECD
Export of goods to Costa Rica 2023 Statista
Costa Rica: The Evolution of an Economy Site Selection Magazine